5 Amazing Foods that Help You Sleep Better

Sleep is the golden chain that binds health and our body together’. Sleep and well-being go hand in hand and getting a good night’s sleep are just as important to your overall health as eating well and exercising regularly. Think of your body like a factory. As you drift off to sleep, your body begins its night-shift work which includes healing damaged cells, boosting the immune system, recovering from the day- to- day activities and recharging your heart and cardiovascular system for the next day.
Nowadays, due to our busy lifestyles, many of us are not getting a good quality 7 to 8 hours sleep which our body needs to perform the above functions if our body doesn’t get a good quality sleep we may face many disadvantages like drowsiness, cravings towards unhealthy foods and if the same happens day after day it may result in a strain on the nervous system, body, and overall health.

Here are some foods that enhance your sleep and the recharging of your body:

  1. A glass of warm milk
    Glass of milkThe presence of amino acids in milk helps you sleep better. The amino acid present in the milk, when released into the brain, produces a substance known as serotonin which is a serenity boosting neurotransmitter, which basically helps to relax your neural muscles also, the calcium content of milk is also high which therefore acts as a bone strengthener. A glass of warm milk will definitely provide a good quality sleep.
  2. CherriesHealthy CherriesCherries are among those few natural foods that contain melatonin the chemical which is responsible for our biological clock which regulates our circadian rhythm. Studies have shown that drinking sour cherry juice has somewhat improved the duration and quality of sleep in adults who are suffering from habitual sleeplessness which is commonly known as insomnia.
    So, eating some cherries before sleep will really help you a lot.
  3. Bananas
    BananasBananas aid in falling asleep as they contain potassium, magnesium and all natural substances which are responsible for the relaxation of all the major muscle groups which are present in the human body. They are considered carbohydrates, the digestion of which is also related to sleepiness. Regardless of sleeping benefits bananas are a winning ace; they contain essential vitamins and minerals which are necessary for efficient functionality and wellbeing of the human body.
  4. Sweet Potatoes
    Sweet PotatoesSweet Potatoes are another great source of potassium and other essential minerals which acts as a muscle relaxer. They also are a great source of complex carbohydrates. Apart from sleeping benefits sweet potatoes also are the greatest blood sugar, regulators.Sweet potatoes contain a wealth of orange-hued carotenoid pigments which further makes it a good antioxidant.
  5. Brews
    Brews for SleepMany researchers claim that drinking brews made of valerian, chamomile and calendula plants (all decaffeinated), has a sleep-inducing effect. A no. of studies have shown that the roots of valerian plant speed up the process of falling asleep and also improves the quality of sleep

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