Home Remedies For Sinusitis

What is Sinusitis?

A Sinus is a hollow space in a human body. There are multiple types of Sinus. However, Sinusitis affects the paranasal sinuses, the ones which are underlying behind our face leading to nasal cavity.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have revealed that 12.1percent of adults surveyed in the UnitedStates had been diagnosed with sinusitis in a span of 12 months.

The paranasal sinuses have the same mucous membrane lining as those in the nose, producing a slimy secretion, known as mucus. This mucus helps the nasal cavity to be moist and prevents entry of dirt particles and germs. When too much mucus builds up in the nasal cavity, leading to inflammation, then it is called Sinusitis.


  • Common Cold
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Nasal Polyps
  • Immune system deficiency
  • Deviated Septum-  shift in the nasal cavity

Home Remedies:

1. Steam:

Steam helps in loosening up of mucus and relieves the congestion. Take a tower/blanket and hot water with menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. Inhale the steam for about 15- 20 minutes.

2. Chicken Soup:

Chicken Soap

There are a number of studies which have proved that Chicken soup helps in ease of congestion. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients in the soup help to clear sinuses.

3. Acupressure:

Acupressure is applying of pressure at specific points of the body, to get relieved from pain or illness. It is a traditional way of treating flu and sinus. Usage of finger tips to massage the cheeks and the bridge of the nose helps to relieve the pressure.

4. Hydration:

It is always advisable to drink plenty of water when you are unwell. Drinking water infrequent intervals will keep the mucous membranes moist and help them to work properly.

5. Saline Nasal Spray:

Saline Nasal Spray

Add table spoon of salt and baking soda to sterile water. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and sniff this mixture into the nose, one nostril at a time. This spray helps to clear out a blockednose.

When to visit a Doctor:

  • If the symptoms last long for a week.
  • If the fever is higher than 102 Celsius.
  • Symptoms like greenish nasaldischarge
  • Changes in vision pattern.

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