Anxiety and stress are basically negative effects on a person both psychologically and physically. It is caused due to various reasons that overburden the brain activity which in turn affect the thought process, emotions and the body in pessimistic ways. There are numerous symptoms of stress and anxiety like sweating, stammering, nausea, insomnia, weight gain or weight loss etc.
There are certain food habits that increase stress and anxiety and also foods that help accomplish the opposite. Let’s have look at 5 basic food items that reduce stress and anxiety:
5 Natural Foods that Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Chocolate is considered a heart-healthy food and also enhances the mood of a person. Especially dark chocolate is rich in magnesium and helps avoid stress. Chocolate reduces Cortisol, which is the stress hormone that triggers anxiety symptoms. It has also been referred to as the ‘New anti-anxiety drug’.
According to research, dark chocolate releases endorphins, which is a ‘feel good’ chemical along with serotonin.
Best Ways to consume Dark Chocolate
- Dark chocolate can be consumed in any form if not directly as a chocolate bar.
- Though dark chocolate is a stress buster, eating it the right way is important. It is beneficial if it is combined with nuts like cashews, almonds, and milk as even they are helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
Oranges are a source of vitamin C which helps reduce stress levels. Vitamin C also clears out Cortisol from the bloodstream, which is a hormone that is released due to stress. They also contain Magnesium, which enhances relaxation and promote natural sleep. This certain quality can reduce insomnia that is caused due to stress and anxiety.
Best Ways to consume Oranges
- Orange is more beneficial if eaten in its natural form but otherwise, juice, cakes and also salads can be helpful.
Milk is a rich source of vitamin D, which helps in boosting happiness and also increases the amount of serotonin. Drinking a glass of milk before going to bed can fight insomnia, which is caused due to anxiety. Milk lowers blood pressure and reduces cortisol due to the protein Lactium present in it. Muscle spasms that are caused by feeling tense can also be relieved by drinking milk. It helps fight stress and anxiety just like how it calms down babies after they feed on milk.
Best Ways to consume Milk
- Milk is again very useful if consumed directly rather than desserts.
This fruit is a rich source of Anti-inflammatory and Monounsaturated fatty acids, which tend to reduce blood sugar accumulation that leads to anxiety. Avocados are high in potassium, which prevent hypertension. They are also rich in vitamin B, like B6 and Foliate, which naturally reduce stress.
Best Ways to consume Avocado
- Avocado can be consumed in numerous ways if not preferred in its natural form.
- Few examples are Salads, milkshakes, Avocado cheesecake, Avocado with chicken and also Mac and cheese can be induced with Avocados.
Along with being delicious, cashews also help fight anxiety and general stress. They contain magnesium in high amounts compared to almonds. Magnesium fights blood sugar that leads to anxiety. Healthy fats like monounsaturated fats keep your brain healthy. Vitamin B6 in cashews helps in the increase of serotonin. Along with vitamin B6, Tryptophan promotes a relaxed state and prevents anxious mood.
Best Ways to consume Cashews
- Cashews can make you go nuts in delicious forms; they are a good combination in both sweet and spicy recipes.
- Nonetheless, they are tasty in their natural form.
Cookies, cakes, fudge, milkshakes etc are few other ways to eat these stress buster foods. These can be included in your daily diet, as they are easily available and delicious which reduce stress and anxiety in no time.