Headaches are a very common phenomenon that affects anyone regardless of age. It is a form of stress that causes pain in the head, scalp or neck. Headaches are caused when structures surrounding the brain suffer compression, tension or irritation. Stress, hunger, dehydration etc trigger headaches. There are a lot of types of headaches like tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, sinus headache, hypertension headaches etc.
“The bigger the headache the bigger the pill”, like this quote suggests, it is not necessary for tablets or pills to be a remedy for headaches because there are foods that reduce a headache. Why suffer when food is the remedy.
Let us find out about foods that help us get rid of a Headache:
Foods that are likely to help hydrate are helpful to cure headaches especially if a headache is caused by dehydration. Dehydration reduces the amount of oxygen that is reaching the brain, due to a drop in the blood volume and causes pain. Watermelon consists of magnesium and potassium that are essential minerals that are lost due to dehydration. So let the tasty bright red remedy help you gain the H2o you need.
As it is already a favorite for most of them, it is exciting to know that baked potato helps cure a headache. Potato consists of potassium of about 721mg which is the main reason for it to be useful here. They consist vitamin C and B1 along with potassium which helps in electrolyte balance in the body. The carbohydrate in a baked potato can increase serotonin and reduce tension and hangover headaches.
As everything gets better with a cup of coffee, it is also proven that it cures headaches. Adenosine is released due to headaches which inflame blood vessels causing pain. Caffeine helps reduce production of adenosine. Caffeine also helps absorb pain medication faster. However, it is very important to know that overdose of caffeine can also have negative effects.
Yogurt contains Riboflavin in a high amount which is a part of B vitamin that reduces migraine attacks. It also increases the effectiveness of beta blockers that prevent migraines. As yogurt is easily available and can be eaten anytime in the day it contributes to helping to get rid of headaches. So go grab that flavored yogurt that you like and let it fight a headache.
Ginger helps to reduce oxidative stress which is the largest trigger of a migraine. It reduces nitric oxide and inflammation. Ginger makes you feel fresh and it is a natural remedy for a headache. Ginger can be added to a cup of tea or just drinking ginger water can help fight headaches.
Spinach is rich in Riboflavin and a kind of vitamin B that helps prevent a migraine. It also reduces blood pressure and prevents hangovers. Green leafy vegetables are also rich in magnesium which helps in preventing headaches. So go add those green power leaves in your salad and enjoy the benefits.
As almonds contain magnesium, they help relax blood vessels and prevent headaches. They also contain Salicin, an anti-inflammatory agent and vitamin E that fight a migraine. Almonds can be consumed in their natural form to benefit from them or can be added to milk, cakes etc.
Though headaches are a real headache, they can be reduced by consuming certain foods that are healthy and also tasty. Let these foods into your regular diet and fight a headache with various recipes. So do not cancel plans or pop those pills due to evil headaches and instead just go grab any of these foods around you or make a delicious treat for yourself.