Honey is one of nature’s wonders and often eaten as an energy food. It has simple sugars that goes with nearly all foods and is absorbed directly into bloodstream without digestion. Honey’s greatest medicinal potential is its application as topical agent to wounds and skin infections. Honey has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune boosting property. Much of the therapeutic properties of honey are due to the high sugar concentration resulting osmotic effect, low PH and due to hydrogen peroxide generated from the oxidative conversion of glucose. Studies indicate that hydrogen peroxide takes the biggest credit for the medicinal value of honey.
See How Honey Can Give you Instant Relief from These 8 Diseases
The following are the few of the innumerable ways Honey can be effectively used for treatment of ailments. The best results can be achieved by using pure unprocessed honey.
1 table spoon of honey mixed with 200 ml of water and a pinch of salt given immediately after an episode of dehydration / hypoglycaemia helps in rehydration , reduces muscle cramps and helps recovery from hypoglycaemia.
2.Joint Pains
Ingredients Required:
- 1 spoon of Honey
- 3/4 spoon of Cinnamon powder
- 1 – 2 spoon of warm water
Mix all to form a paste, apply over the painful joint and allow it to remain there for 1 hour. Wash off with hot water. Treatment to be done once daily either morning or evening.
In case of chronic pain along with the above application, consumption of one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder twice (morning and night) everyday can reduce the intensity of pain.
3.Bladder Irritation
1 table spoon of Honey, 1 tea spoon full of cinnamon powder mixed in a ½ glass of lukewarm water / Tender coconut
water taken 4 times a day with an interval of 3 hours between each dosage along with a glass of water every hour can reduce bladder infection.
1 table spoon of Honey with sprinkle of cinnamon powder taken orally reduce gas formation and indigestion .
1 Table spoon of honey and 1 tea spoon of dry fried cumin seeds should be chewed and the juice to be swallowed. This shall reduce acidity ,gas formation and aid digestion. The fibrous remains can be swallowed after it loses taste and becomes soft.
5.Dry cough
1 table spoon of honey with ¼ tea spoon of fine pepper powder mixed to form of paste .
This paste is applied on the tongue and swallowed slowly along with saliva .One should feel the hot taste of pepper in the throat. Do not consume anything for 15 minutes. This helps to reduce throat irritation, dry cough and upper respiratory symptoms.
6.Cough with sputum
1 Table spoon of honey mixed with 10 to 12drops of ginger juice taken orally 3 – 4 times daily helps to reduce sputum production
4 -5 pepper or ¼ teaspoon of pepper powder ,small piece of crushed ginger 2 – 4 tulsi leaves boiled in 1 cup of water for 3-5 min . To this decoction add 1to 1 ½ table spoon of honey and have it hot like tea. This helps to loosen the sputum , reduce cough ,and chest discomfort .this can be had twice daily with a gap of 6 – 8 hours.
Sterile cotton cloth piece dipped in honey can be applied over any type of burns .It will help to reduce burning sensation and also helps as antibiotic.
8.Honey bandage for wounds
Fresh turmeric paste mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 drops of lemon juice can be applied over wounds. This will accelerate healing and also reduce scaring.
Surprising Benefits of Honey in our Day-to-Day Life
Honey predominantly is used as a vehicle for faster absorption of various drugs such as herbal extracts. Secondarily, it is also thought to support the treatment of several more specific ailments, particularly those related to respiratory irritations and infections, mouth sores and eye cataracts.
Honey is said to facilitate better physical performance and resistance to fatigue, particularly for repeated effort; it also promotes higher mental efficiency. It is, therefore, used for any kind of weakness, particularly in the case of food and some common problems such as
Ulcers, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis.
As it is a potent inhibitor of the causative agent Helicobacter pylori. Honey is proven to have the following benefits:
- Kidney Function,
- Reduce Fevers,
- Help Insomnia ,
- Improves calcium fixation in bones,
- Liver Protection,
- Managing Stress Levels.
Qunatity to be Taken:
How much honey is enough? Generally, three to five tablespoons of honey a day is sufficient.
Two tablespoon of honey in the morning with fruit or yogurt or cereal.
one or two tablespoons can be ingested with fruit snacks and a tablespoon should be consumed at bedtime .
Generally, the percentage of ones’ total caloric requirements provided from honey should not exceed 10%. unless excessive energy demands allow for additional consumption.