How often have you heard that life is too short to stress over little things? Why stress on what could go wrong when you can go about what you can think about it with a right attitude. Some people have the tendency to over think and make a mountain of a little rock like an issue.
There are pessimists, optimists and there are opportunists who turn their every problem into an opportunity. They take the pressure of work and make it work in their favor. These are the people you can always learn from. They do not have a word called “stress” in their dictionary. As cliché as it sounds, things are always going to be okay, stressing about it has really helped anyone in the history of time.
5 Best Stress Buster Things You Could Do
You might have your own methods of de-stressing but it’s always nice to know more about how to lift your mood up and not freaking out over petty things.
1. Work Out
This isn’t just for men, women who workout claim this fact too. Working out is the main stress buster of the adults. Be it Yoga, Gymnastics, Aerobics, Zumba, Swimming or even Gym – nothing like venting it out with the machines when your mind has to focus on what you’re doing right there at the moment. Find an activity you enjoy and don’t give it up.
2. Socialize like never Before
Man was born to be a social animal; isolation never brings good things in the long run. You are only holding yourself back from meeting some amazing people out there who might bring some really positive changes in your life and thinking.
Enjoying solitude is fine, but isolating yourself from the rest of the world, cutting all contacts and communication will only drive you insane and stress you out more.
3. Write it away
Those who are in the habit of writing a diary know how satisfying it is to pen their thoughts down. You could always do that on an Ipad or your notepad on your phone but learn to let it go. Writing will make put your emotions into words and it is a very relieving to do so when you yourself don’t understand the situation you are in.
It will clear the clutter in your head and the bonus point is you can always go back to these writings and see how things have changed over time.
4. Laugh to your Heart’s Content
They say no therapy is as cheap as the laughter therapy. The best medicine that has been proven to lower blood pressure, increase the dopamine levels in you and improve blood flow. Watch a comedy movie, there are so many good ones out there.You also have the choice of watching standup comedy on YouTube or LIVE.
Never miss out on these opportunities because when you remember them again you might have a good recap and totally burst out laughing and talking about it with those around you.
5. Get Out, Get some Fresh Air
Travelling is an escape plan for most that get restless in one place and nothing de-stresses them out like fresh air, new place. Life was never meant to be lived in one place and so you should go out and breathe. New place gives you newer perspectives and new people give you more knowledge. So go release that bag of stress and pack the same bag with new experiences that will count next time you are stressing out so bad.
Remember, gratitude should be the attitude, always be thankful for what you have and you will see where you are in life and what you have been taking granted for so long. Spending time with your family and friends is the real knack. You can always rent a good movie and the comfort food is always there to welcome you.
Indulging in such pleasures once in a while won’t do you any harm and we should all pamper ourselves once in a while because never say never.